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In The Works

Since the last issue of EMME/2 News, in which the many new features of Release 7 were described, a lot of effort has gone into new developments.

Among these, EmtoolW, the Microsoft Windows implementation of the EMTOOL graphic interface was given the highest priority. As a result, a production version of EmtoolW is now ready and will be distributed to all users starting this month.

A second DOS specific project is currently in the alpha-test phase. E2NETLIC, an EMME/2 network licence server, will enable DOS network users to install the software protection key (INROKEY) on one PC and access it from any other PC on the same network. This is particularly interesting for users with multiple licences, since several licences can be contained in a single INROKEY and accessed as ``floating licences'' by any PC connected to the network. But even users with a single EMME/2 licence shared among several PCs will certainly welcome this new possibility. As E2NETLIC accesses the network using NetBios, it is compatible with almost any PC network available today.

So much for the DOS specific news. As for new developments in the EMME/2 system in general, a lot is happening there, too. One major project in preparation of the next release is certainly the new worksheet in module 2.31 for editing intersections and turns. This is a logical continuation of the big effort we put into the restructuring of the turn data and the enhancements of the network calculator to allow turn calculations. The new worksheet operates in two modes. In the network mode, the auto network is displayed on the main plot area of the worksheet and the user may add or delete intersections or pick them for display or modification of the corresponding turn data. The latter will cause the worksheet to enter into intersection mode, showing a plot of the intersection node in detail, juxtaposed to the numerical turn attribute table. Turn modifications can be done either by the ``traditional'' approach of identifying a turn on the intersection plot and specifying the modified attributes in a mini-dialog on the left hand margin, or by clicking at the corresponding value in the attribute table and entering a new value right there. Many options and features are available allowing the user to make the best possible use of the worksheet. These include options for choosing alternative turn coloring and table sorting schemes, or for rotating the intersection node to any desired orientation. This project is currently in its final development phase and is expected to enter first alpha-testing towards the end of this month.

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center, Thu Jun 6 15:01:15 MET DST 1996