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Link Data File


A link data file is a standard ASCII text file which, for each applicable network link, contains one record with the following information:

1inodeNumber of I-node of link (not explicitly used by GRTOOL)
2jnodeNumber of J-node of link (not explicitly used by GRTOOL)
3xiX-coordinate of I-node of link
4yiY-coordinate of I-node of link
5xjX-coordinate of J-node of link
6yjY-coordinate of J-node of link
7widthlink width in the same units as used for network coordinates
8var1First data value for link ( tex2html_wrap_inline507 )
9-...varkSecond, third, values for link ( tex2html_wrap_inline529 )

The link records can appear in any order, i.e. sorting of the links is not required.

Optionally the link records can be preceded by a label record of the form:
inode jnode xi yi xj yi width var1 var2 var3 ...
If present, this record allows to identify the data values tex2html_wrap_inline515 by the names var1, var2, var3, ....

Any record in a link data file which starts with the character # is considered as a comment. Comments may appear anywhere in the file, but they are simply ignored.

Usually, link data files are generated by macro GRMACRO and are processed by program GRLINK. Even though GRMACRO generates link data files with up to 5 data values only, the format of the link data file itself does not impose an explicit maximum for the number of data values.

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center
Sun Mar 3 22:21:06 MET 1996