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Installation on UNIX Systems

The UNIX distribution of GRTOOL contains the following files:

File: Description:
grmacro.mac EMME/2 macro used to produce link data file
grlink Shell script for performing link-to-grid conversion
grparam Shell script for creating a graphic parameter file
grannot Shell script for creating an annotation from a grid file
grlinka.awk AWK program called by grlink
grparama.awk AWK program called by grparam
grannota.awk AWK program called by grannot
readme Text file with last minute informations which may not be contained in the printed documentation

Create a new directory ``grtool'' and copy the GRTOOL distribution files into it and add this directory to your command search path. Copy the macro file grmacro.mac into your EMME/2 application directory or into one of the directories that appears in your E2MACROS variable, or, alternately, append the term ``/.../grtool/?.mac'' to your E2MACROS variable.

The GRTOOL programs check the path directories to automatically find the location of corresponding AWK files. This autodetection may be disactivated by setting an environment variable GRTOOL to the directory in which the GRTOOL files are stored.

By default the GRTOOL programs call the AWK interpreter by the name gawk (which is the name used by the freely distributed Gnu AWK). A different AWK interpreter can be used by defining an alternate name (such as ``awk'' or ``nawk'') in the environment variable GRTOOLAWK. Note, however, that GRTOOL requires a so-called ``new version'' of AWK, as described by Aho, Kerninghan and Weinberger in The AWK Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 1988.

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center
Sun Mar 3 22:21:06 MET 1996